A melancholic narrative about childhood trauma expressed with heartfelt music: Alexa Lash – Missing


Alexa Lash is a highly talented folk style singer/vocalist from Miami, Florida. Her music has some essence from the classical styles which is well blended with the pop genre. She more than often uses her lyrics to be open and revelatory. The vulnerability and the theme of pondering in her songs is what attracts listeners to her music. She talks about her life experiences, what she thinks of it now and what could be different in these stories. She chooses to sing is a very mellow tone. “Fuck that Noise” from her discography is one such track that stayed with me. In the track she talks about how she perceives the noises around her (society) and vice versa.

Alexa Lash

“A song on childhood memories full of wonder and mystery. A pure symphony which will fill you heart up, ‘Missing’ will take you on a journey that you didn’t know you needed.”

Alexa Lash yet again comes up with a new single “Missing” where she talks about her childhood experiences which will take you on a enigmatic and nostalgic journey. She opens up about her family and the neglect she went through. The trauma and hurt a child holds in his/her heart is well represented sonically through the song. She appeals to many people who had bad experiences as children and relates to each one on a cavernous level.

Catch a muse down here-

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