LENARD – Ghost Inside Their Brain: A smooth psychedelic jam with mind-bending melodies


LENARD is a multi-genre musician who is gifted in various aspects of the creation process like singing, rapping and music production. He makes tracks around topics like imposter-syndrome, self-doubt and mental illness. The immaculate music sense reflected in his tracks easily made me a fan. His approach of making music is visionary and he never is afraid to experiment with the tunes. If you enjoy listening to artists like Kanye West (i.e. deep lyrics and even deeper musicality), you will fall in love with this artist for sure. He is pretty active in the local music scene and engages through gigs and being in events. The exaggerated use of harmonics and melodic vocal delivery in his tracks attracted my ears the most.

“This psychedelic jam will transcend you into another universe. The smooth af synth work along with rock style drums make a pristine vibe.”

The song stars with a feeling of pique and grandness when the drum rolls with the electric guitar riff put you on the groove. The spacey leads will touch a high frequency spectrum which is pretty unique and fresh for the ears. The lyrics come in when the vocalist sings a melodic section which is sonically glued and suppressed into the instrumentals. This is followed by the rap part featuring energy filled flows and crip lyrics bravely laying out LENARD’s emotions on the track. The way the track makes you feel is pretty different and you must try it out for once.

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