Les boites by Baïki: An out of the box track

Baïki has an unfairly high level of musical coolness. His music is a reflection of his mind, a place where anything may happen. Who would have thought that a song could go from funk to punk? This performer is on the rise.

“Les Boites is a track with extensive structure and motivational theme.”

The song Les boites, which means “the boxes” in French, sets the mood that anything may happen. It’s a song about how we’re confined and shaped from birth, in terms of where we go to school, what we do for a living, and how we use our free time. To what extent we are moulded by the structure for their purposes, at the expense of our own goals, is explored in length. Baïki‘s unique sound sets them apart from the typical punk rock band. Quite the opposite, their music maybe explores the principles of punk rock, but they’ve got so much more to give. Consequently, “Les boites” is indicative of the band as a whole. A call to arms that reminds us we can stand up to those who would want to dominate us and that we don’t have to fit into any predetermined moulds, either figuratively or literally. We can be free, and we can put those who want to govern us in their own box (metaphorically speaking, of course), and we can move ahead without their influence; this is Baïki‘s obvious message.
It’s a huge amount of work that takes plenty of motion and listening to get the rhythm down. Check out his new track, and stay tuned for more from Baïki! Catch the muse down here:

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