Journey through emotions by “Postcards” of CS Hellmann

Hellmann hails from Nashville working his way throughout by being a songwriter and guitar aficionado. Inspirations being alt rock, guitar god wizardry and the intimacy of rootsy blues. Channeling the emotions of anger, frustration and fear to positive and calm energy is seen through this dark indie ‘postcards’. The artist never fails to be honest in his art and his vulnerability is what adds the essence to his songs. Top-notch musicality with heavy influence from rock hits hard with Hellman’s heartfelt lyrics.

CS Hellman artist

“The OG way of expressing yourself through postcards and letting out all your feelings is what Hellmann’s new single is about. The artist is channeling the emotional resonance of postcards.”

Postcards by CS Hellmann mirrors a musical symphony with its melodic prose and rhythmically poignant storytelling. the tracks are unique resonating with the emotions. It is a musical masterpiece that strikes the chords of the heart and leaves a lasting impression. The song revolves around ethereal sounds giving the spotlight to Christopher’s soft, almost whispered voice, waiting for the guitars to wake up in a wild chorus. In the end it reminds us that there’s always a way to channel our emotions into something meaningful yet remembered of. And sometimes that something can be as simple yet as profound as a song.

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