“India” is an honorary tribute to Parmy Dhillon’s roots.

Melbourne singer-songwriter Parmy Dhillon released his heartfelt new single, “India,” on May 18, 2024. Parmy is known for his emotional storytelling and genuine sound, creating music that deeply connects with listeners. He pays tribute to his father, who passed away in India last year, by making this touching song, “India.” This song reflects Parmy’s personal loss and reminds him of his cultural heritage and identity. Having a rich collection of two EPs and three full-length albums, Parmy continues to attract his audiences worldwide with nothing less than his authentic and powerful music.


“Let’s take this heartfelt journey of Parmy Dhillon’s “India” which is a tribute to heritage and personal loss.”

“India” highlights Parmy’s unique voice by blending modern sounds with Indian-inspired sounds. Including a mix of different instruments makes the song a very hopeful and emotional one. Adding the music video with the single, just adds more emotional depth to the song and brings the vision of Parmy to life itself. The night of the launch at the Evelyn Hotel in Melbourne, was a promising night for almost everyone because of it’s unforgettable live music and heartfelt performances. The love for storytelling and the dedication to create authentic music is shown through his music shows. He says, “The song was written as a tribute and reminder to myself after my father passed away, to always remember my culture and who I am”. Do not miss this touching release and join Parmy in celebrating his heritage through music.

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