Mt. Kili – Fall Asleep in the Sunlight: It’s just raw emotions and pure musicality


Mt. Kili has a unique ability of conveying not just sounds and lyrics but their songs would trigger various senses in your brain. This is called synesthesia. Their new album (called ‘Ten Songs for My Girls, For Now and Later’) was released in March 2024 which has some really beautiful songs in it. They are connected with the essence of life and the themes are based around the general human experience. They offer their view point on trivial things with an artistic twist that tickles the deepest emotions in our hearts. Experience the expansive soundscape of the Mt. Kili today and I bet you won’t regret it.

Mt. Kili

“Mtt. Kili’s Fall Asleep in the Sunlight is earthy and ambient as I would describe it. With meditative instrumentals and evoking lyrics, the song will make you feel things.”

Asleep in the Sunlight is a simple tune but the song-writer and composer has filled so much emotion into less. This can be seen as filling a small pot with the whole ocean. The melodic vocal delivery when harmonizes with female vocals will touch the deepest of your hearts. Each word is sung with passion and the instrumentals are so subtle and calming. The wind instrument sound has a smooth texture contrasting with the coarse guitars. It is a beautiful folk style music piece made with rawness and the story conveyed has a peculiar emotion that it carries.

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