Shaun Mbah – Wont Be Forever: A dream translated into sonics, that’s what this EP sounds like to me, intriguing and pure

Shaun Mbah is a super creative artist from London making with a purpose to spread positivity and good energies. He uses unique vocal mixing styles and influences from genres like pop, botanica (or petal-core as some call it), electronica and indie. His music is categorized by reverby and spacy sounds and the themes revolve around romanticizing life experiences and presenting a poetic perspective for the dreamers and the passionate ones. He is fit to be a part of a new generation of Nigerian musicians, who care less about fitting in the box and more about creating what is true to them. He is not afraid to play with his vocal spectrum and by using some help of the most modern tools, he creates some really creative sonics that are able to play the strings of the listener’s hearts.

Shaun Mbah

“Won’t be Forever brings a multi-dimensional music experiences with textures that will tickle the deepest of your hearts.”

Come into this EP with an open mind and an accepting soul. This sound will grow on you is what I guarantee. The whole project is well crafted with fresh instruments and vocal deliveries that will calm your nerves down. Spaciness is what is not at all missing in the EP and that’s what makes it so ambient and versatile. Shaun’s vocal texture is something from another world. The coarse yet smooth feel in his vocals are unmatched.

The EP starts with the song Forever which is an upbeat banger that will make you want to think about the non-constant nature of life. The adlib work on this one is my favorite. The melodious and catchy hook concludes into a monologue.

This leads us to the next track of the EP called Afraid. It spreads light on the theme of finding the courage to fall in love again. The switch through the middle of the song makes it feel like Shaun just created two vibes in one single track. This then fades into the next track that has a very video-game type vibe with stressed words that add groove.

The EP has two more tracks called- Ldn Line and Everything. I will leave that for you to listen on your own and find out how it relates with you. One of these is an afrobeat banger is what I would leave you with.

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