Red Skies Mourning Gives “Beautiful Things” a Soulful Twist

Red Skies Mourning is a special one-man band, which means he’s not just another typical singer-songwriter.. Playing with famous groups like Bad Brains and Suicidal Tendencies, was an add on to why his music is so intense. His music has a strong impact and also has interesting lyrics that make you ponder. Chris Aleshire, the guy behind it all, mixes rock, metal, and even pop together to make music that’s both strong and thought-provoking. But with Red Skies Mourning, he shows a more gentle side by writing lyrics with meaning in his high-energy songs.

Red Skies Mourning

“A New Look on a Modern Classic and that’s “Beautiful Things” by Red Skies”

Red Skies Mourning’s take on Benson Boone’s “Beautiful Things” proves Chris Aleshire can do it all. Making the original song which was a song full of raw rock energy, into something slow, revealing it’s soulful emotions, Red Skies Mourning has done a great job.It shows they respect the original song but can also add their own twist and make it feel fresh. Retaining the essence of the song which was happiness fading away quickly, Aleshire adds calmer music which gives a whole different meaning to the song. This single is a great way to get to know Red Skies Mourning’s unique sound.

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